
Bulk merging cells in excel
Bulk merging cells in excel

bulk merging cells in excel

You can write a sentence by merging two or more cells in a text string You may want to write a sentence by merging two or more cells.


How to Write a Sentence within Combined Cells in Excel This section will show you a couple of advanced techniques in how to combine cells in Excel. More than likely you may need to do more than combine two cells in Excel. Advanced Techniques on How to Merge Cells If you press OK then it will go ahead and merge the cells together. Excel gives you a warning before you proceed to combine cells in ExcelĮxcel does give you a warning whenever you press the Merge & Center button. Using the Excel CONCATENATE or ampersand symbol is the best method for combining two or more cells in Excel for this particular exercise. The text in the upper left cell is preserved and any text in the other cells is removedĪs you can see in the above example, the first name in cell A2 is preserved. Lets look at an example using the dataset with the first and last names. It combines two or more cells together but not the text within the cells. The Merge & Center buttons is a great way to combine cells in Excel but it does have one major flaw.

bulk merging cells in excel

The Problem with the Merge & Center Button

bulk merging cells in excel

The Merge & Center button combines the selected cells into one cell and centres the text.

bulk merging cells in excel

The title is merged and centred across six cells

  • Select the Home tab and then under the Alignment group click on the Merge & Center command button.
  • Select the range where you want to merge and centre the title In this example, I want to have the title go across the range A1:F1 so I select this range
  • Select the range where you want to merge and centre the title.
  • We can format this better by having the title go across the length of the table in cells A1:F1. In the example above, there is a data table showing sales per quarter for some electrical items. Now lets have a look at an example of how to use the Merge & Center command button to merge cells in Excel. This is particularly useful for table headings or if there is a large heading in your worksheet and you want it to look neater. Using the Merge & Center button is best used for formatting your worksheet. The Merge & Center command button is located in the Home tab under the Alignment group This button is located in the Excel ribbon under the Home tab in the Alignment group. You can also use the Merge & Center command button to combine cells in Excel. Use the Merge & Center Button to Merge Cells in Excel If you don’t want a space then the formula will be: This is so that I have a space between the first and last name. Notice again I used double quotation marks (” “) after the first ampersand symbol. You can then copy the formula down using the fill handle. =A2&” “&B2 Use the fill handle to copy the formula down You use the ampersand symbol before every text you want to join. This is very similar to the first method where we use the CONCATENTATE function. You can also use the ampersand (&) symbol to merge cells in Excel. How to Combine Two Cells in Excel using the Ampersand Symbol Using the ampersand symbol to combine two cells in Excel You can then use the fill handle to copy the formula down. =CONCATENATE(A2,B2) Use the fill handle to copy the formula down If you don’t want a space between the two cells then just take out the double quotation marks (” “). This means there is a space between the first and last name. Notice I have double quotation marks (” “) in the second argument. I have therefore used these cells as the arguments in the CONCATENATE function. In cell C2, I want to combine cells A2 and B2 together. CONCATENATE formula entered in cell C2 to combine the first and last name The CONCATENTATE function combines text from different cells into one cell. Concatenate means “to join” or “to combine”. To do this, we can use the Excel CONCATENATE function. The goal is to merge the two names in one cell in column C. In the screenshot above, there is a list of first and last names in columns A and B. How to Combine Two Cells in Excel using the CONCATENATE Function First and last names are in separate columns and we want to merge the names in one cell in column C You will learn how to merge cells by using the:ġ. In this Excel tutorial, I will show you the best ways to merge cells in Excel. Another reason to combine two cells in Excel is if a persons first and last name are in separate cells. A common reason to merge cells is to format a heading. There are various methods you can use to combine two cells in Excel.

    Bulk merging cells in excel